I have been such a lucky girl lately. I was given the two drawings below by my wonderful caring husband. He was looking for something for me to take with to Australia and he came up with the beautiful idea of getting a drwing made of each of the kids for me. I am just so spoilt to have such a wonderful man in my life!

Then I was given a pate knife and sugar spoon from my wonderful collegues. They are from Jenna Clifford! So spoilt! Now the bug has bitten and I will have to continue adding to my collection! Thanks guys & gals!

Wait for it there is more! Yip more! My two great friends Louise and Shellee bought me this beautiful rose necklace. Plus to top it off they each bought themselves one so I was given the message when I wear mine I will think of them and when they wear theirs they will think of me. 
I am just so spoilt but also so greatful for all of the wonderful friends and family I have around me.
Spoilt signing off.
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