Okay I know I have been missing in action and I have no excuse other than - just too lazy to sit behind the computer and write lately! So there you have it!
This week end we had two kiddies parties to attend - one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Saturday was at a friends house whose little boy Braedon was turning 2. Well I thought that the party started at 11am only to find when checking the invitation that the party actually starts at 10am - beside the fact that it was already 10am and it would take us at least 45minutes to get there. So in a mad rush we ran around like mad fools dressing the kids, packing bags, packing pressies and dressing ourselves and were in the car at 10:15am. Whew!!!! It is amazing that when you have no time you somehow get a million things done :) Not sure if I would want to live life like this though. So we still got to the party at 11am - just like I thought! Thank goodness they are good friends of ours and well when we eventually left at 5:30pm we had had our fair share of the party and they still wanted us to stay for longer. The boys had partied so hard that as we drove out of their driveway they has passed out, even Reece who recently does not sleep in the car. So the rest of evening was spent lounging around catching up on my favourite series "Brothers & sisters!". I had 3 episodes to get through and due to recording them all I was able to fast forward through the ads. Brilliant!
On Sunday we had our nieces christening and her first birthday party. It was a good relaxing day and wow did we have some fine weather. I cannot believe that we are still in spring and this is the weather we are already getting. Maybe we will get some use out of our swimming pool this summer!
During the last week my brother in law Shawn was up from Cape Town on a project management course. He is staying in a hotel just down the road and we then get to see him in the evening for some supper at our place. As the weather was so great we were outside on these evenings having supper in the entertainment area. Heath took some pics of the boys zooting around outside. They just love being outside and by the time they get inside they should really be sent to have another bath! In the last pic below you can see how dirty these two little monsters are....

Also during the week Heath needed to replace the rollers on the kitchen pot drawers and as the one drawer was out this was the perfect opportunity for two little boys to find a new play area. What fun it is to be a kid!

Well keep well and chat again soon!