Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Edu-dance Concert at school

"So innocent!"

On Tuesday this week I took the afternoon off as Reece's class had a drama class that the parents could attend and the after that there was a "Edu-Dance" concert. The drama class was very interesting as apparently this is the first year that the pre-primary students are being introduced to reading plus drama lessons. The drama lessons teach them to speak together as a class/group plus also to stand up in front of an audience and speak plus plenty more. It was really great to see the different types of exercises they use to teach them this and the kids just love it!
"Just look at that cheeky face!"

Drama is very big in Perth. There are plenty of drama schools and we are always hearing that Heath Ledger studied in Perth. At the local park down the road (Heathcote reserve) there are sculptures that has been specially made and dedicated to Heath Ledger.
After the drama class we were treated to a small tea party and then we went to the school hall for their edu-dance concert. They split the school into two groups and then each class has their own dance to complete. All kids have to attend boys and girls. The older kids did more the funky style of dancing but you can see that they all had fun.

The pre-primary kids did a dance about the Elephant. They were given bow-ties and had tiny little tails attached to their track pants. It was the cutest ever and my little boy (sorry big boy) did so well I nearly fell off my chair. He is normally not the most co-ordinated child but did extremely well and followed the steps correctly. He had an absolute blast and that to me was the most important.

Giving us a "wink" and a "wag" of their tails

All in all fun was had by all!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reece's Sports Day!

Reece had his first inter-school sports day on Tuesday last week. I was sick in bed and had no idea my child was running in any race. Well Heath came home to tell me that Reece had run in a race and came 4th! I could not believe my ears as Reece does run around alot but when it comes to actual sport he will come up with a million excuses, plus to top it all he did not have proper running shoes on so all in all he did well for himself. We then found out that all kids have to take part in the day.

He was so excited when he left in the morning as they dress up in there various faction colours. Reece is in the blue faction (which in the end they came 2nd overall). Heath had found some blue gel to put in his hair and this was the best part of the whole morning. He got dressed in record time as only then could the gel be put in his hair. In the pics below -there is still a little left in his hair.
So once he got home he had me outside taking pictures of him for his Granny, Nana and Grandpa. I don't think he could believe it himself that he came somewhere in a race. But the cutest was that just before he went to sleep that night he said to me "Mom - I actually wanted to be second!". His one friend came first and I think he was quite happy that he came first but would have enjoyed being second!

Then on Friday the school had a fun raiser and organised a "disco". The kids from kindy to year 3 went to the disco for the first hour and then the rest of the school attended for the last 2 hours. It was very well organised and oh so cute to see these little one's dancing around to the latest pop music. Typically the girls were all dancing while the boys were clowning about but have an absolute ball! Reece had no idea what a disco was and could not understand why he had to rush to get to a disco as he had no idea what it was all about! Well now he does and will be better prepared for next year!

All the best.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where does the time go?

There is time gobbler who eats up all of my time as I never seem to get anything done these days! We are nearing the end of the year and before we know it Xmas is on its way. I have been in Oz since Dec last year but it just feels like the other day that I was balling my eyes out as I said good-bye to Heath and the kids.

Thanks to all of you who sent Reece birthday wishes it was greatly appreciated! I must also apologise as I have missed plenty of birthday wishes myself as I have misplaced my birthday list so I have no idea what is going on, on the birthday front ....

Work has not been as hectic as normal but busy enough to keep me out of mischief! I was sick in bed for a couple of days last week as we are still having horrible cold, wet and rainy weather. Apparently abnormal for Perth but not sure I am wanting to believe anyone anymore! The sun must return and very quickly! But of course you all know that in a little while I will be complaining again as it is too hot here - never happy I know...

Last week there was a little bit of an opening in the sky and the boys took the opportunity to get out on the driveway with their scooters for a ride and were very happy to be photographed as well - for a change! But it was not long before we were back inside as the rain had started again.

All in all we are all doing very well, my boys are eating us out of house and home and we are slowly but surely settling into Perth's way of life. Reece went off to a party a couple of weeks ago and it was a roller skating party - when Heath got home with the boys he mentioned that he felt like he had deprived our children of so much. As he could not believe that there were so many little 3 year old skating around on their own. I must say we get out and about to do some activities we normally would not do in SA - not that it was not available just I think we never really made the time.

Bryce is still loving school and he has settled in very well. He is giving us a bit of uphill when he goes to his sports activities so we still have to work on that one. Reece is loving school and cannot wait to get there in the mornings. School holidays start on Friday for nearly two weeks and Heath of course is not looking forward to that!

We have also had a horrendous Internet connection and now we have got broadband and it feels like a dream to work with compared to what we had previously. What normally takes me hours to upload photo's has now just taken me under 10 minutes to complete the whole blog update - so I am much happier and I should not hear Heath screaming at the computer anymore either :)
Chat again soon!