Heath took Bryce to his sports coaching and his coach could not believe that Bryce is only 3 yrs old as he mentioned to Heath that he has not see a little one with such good co-ordination and such a youngster who can kick a ball so high and accurately. So Bryce came home with a very big proud smile and told me the story of what he was up to. Anyway in this time I had baked a big rectangle cake and was still deciding what type of cake we were going to land up with. It is a dinosaur theme so cannot be too hard. Well then I was back to the shops to buy the rest of the goodies for the party. I started making some meatballs and cooked some small frankfurters and had a disaster as I left both in the oven too long so they were burnt! So much for being prepared!
So now I am not in a very happy mood and I go to fetch Reece from school, he had a good day but was a little sad as his class teacher was leaving on maternity leave so all the kids took forever to come out of the class as they were all saying goodbye. Anyway back home I started getting the icing ready for the cake as we had now decided to make a volcano with plastic dinosaurs as the decoration. It did not turn out too badly and at least Reece had fun decorating it!

Saturday arrived - both Heath and I did not sleep very well so not too eager to get out of bed and the boys did not sleep in either. Anyway I attempted another batch of meatballs which worked out much better and also got some frankfurters sorted for the kids. Then it was a mad rush around to make sure everything else was packed and prepared before we drove to the party place.

Reece has 24 children in his class and 20 of his classmates came to his party and then he had 3 boys from the other class. So we has 23 kids running around but thank goodness we had organised a party organiser to run the show for an hour to have a "Dinosaur dig". Reece was already a bit over whelmed by the time we got there but eventually settled down to start enjoying his day. They started off with a story and then they got all dressed up to start the dinosaur hunt in the gardens.

We quickly cleaned the place up, before getting back home to open all Reece's pressies. I think this was the best part of the day for Reece!

Sunday - we stayed at home - it was great! Not that we relaxed that much as the housework just never seems to end but it was great to spend time with the boys doing, well, not much. Reece had pretty much build all of his Lego pressies by the end of the day and at around 5:30 we chucked them in the bath and so they climbed out of one set of pj's into a fresh pair of pj's :)
Hopefully not such a busy week ahead - chat again soon.