Heathcote Reserve in Applecross is high on a hill with spectacular 180 degree views of the Swan River. Definitely the playground with the best view anywhere in Perth.
Most kids call it the 'pirate playground' because the main feature of the play equipment is a giant wooden replica boat that kids can run all over, climb up and down and pretend to be Captain Feathersword.
From our place it is around 3km away. There is also a walk way all along the river to the reserve from home which we have not done yet but we have heard from many people that it is a beautiful walk. Quite often when we go to the reserve we meet up with alot of the people that we have met in the Applecross area and Reece often sees children that are in his school there as well.

The views from the park are just too beautiful and the best part is that it is free. There is a small coffee shop on the reserve where you can order small take away meals as well. There are also barbecue facilities around the park but most people pack a picnic basket and head down to the park for the day.

Our boys just love going there as there is quite a bit to keep them busy. From the reserve there is a walk down to the boat harbour so this tires out the boys as it is a bit of an up hill battle to get back to the top.
Wish I was a kid again to run around this park!
Lots of love