Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Reece's Birthday
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Boys having fun!

Today I decided to do a huge clean-out of the boys rooms i.e. clean out all toys and try and put matching toys together. Oh this was soooo much fun for the boys because as fast as I was trying to tidy the toys they were finding toys they had not played with in a while – what fun! So of course the task took much longer than expected.
When we had finished with the tidying up, Reece and Bryce decided they were hungry and wanted me to make then lunch in their school lunch boxes so that they could sit outside and have a picnic. They were just too cute for words sitting outside chatting and having fun! So of course seeing a photo opportunity I went racing for the camera only to find that (wait for it…….) all 3 cameras have flat batteries. I was not to impressed!
We then made some Spiderman cupcakes and when we had finished icing them Reece and Bryce were out and about in the garden again to get up to some more mischief. Well about ½ an hour later they both came charging through the kitchen door looking a delightful mess. By now the camera had charged enough for some pics so below if the evidence of my two monsters. Reece was acting like a monkey and Bryce was not very interested in sitting still for a picture. After the photo opportunity they were both chucked in the bath and wow was the water dirty. Bryce is now having his afternoon nap and Reece is back in the garden with all of his toy animals. I am too scared to get up and see what he is going to look like again – The life of a boy!

Okay I am off to play around on some photo shop – catch up soon! I will post some more info and pictures on the community day that I attended last week Wednesday – it was actually great fun!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Another busy week...
This was supposed to be posted last night but my 3G was giving me grief so sorry another day late....
Another busy week is over and wow so difficult to remember what we have been up to…… okay okay I know I am getting old but I should remember what we have been up to…. Oh yes Heath has been for a couple of interviews. He was offered a position at a small furniture shop down the road when the agency (who happens to be one our friends) suggested to Heath that she is not very happy with the guy as they initially were offering more money than what was finally offered. It seemed like the guy realised very quickly that Heath would be well over qualified and would not be around for too long therefore offered a lot less. During the interview Heath could see many areas of improvement and was actually quite excited to get going to show the guy what he was capable of but then also agreed with the agent that this guy would be stealing his ideas as he is not really paying for them. So he is not a very happy man at the moment but I am sure he will find something soon!
I have been working for my current company for over 5 years and actually very happy but then again I have been very lucky with the various clients I have been working at, as they have all been great fun. Well recently I have had so many phone calls for other positions available in the market. Quite amazing as they find my details from a website that I loaded my info about 6 years ago when we came back from the UK. So not good for Heath as he sees all of these job offers coming in for me and I am not really looking and nothing for him. But, I must say that some of the jobs are getting enticing and I have a couple of options available but will update you shortly on any that get firmed up.
“My babe…..we all still love you stax and stax…….”
As Heath thought he was to start working this Monday he took Reece for one night stay over in Pilansberg. Reece was over the moon as Heath told him on Wednesday morning he had a surprise for him and once Heath told him he was sort-of-a-little-confused as at his age he expects a pressie of some sort! Anyway they got into the car and road off to Pilanberg. Heath said once they arrived there he wished he had a video camera as Reece was bouncing around everywhere saying “Thank you….. Thank you … Thank you dad for bringing me to my favourite park!”. They only stayed for one night and were back the following lunch time. In that short period they saw two lion kills and one pride of lion with wait for it…… 19 lions! Amazing – but if I had been with them we would not have found anything. They were extremely lucky. Reece was in his element as at the camp site there were some giraffe that were being held in a boma so they did not have to go into the park to see his “favourite favourite animal” as he would say. Below is a link to some pic’s of Reece hanging about in some tress at Pilansberg plus some pics of his favourite animals & birds. I actually used one of the pictures in one of my scrapbooking projects for a front page to his album. It came out really well! I will take a picture and load it on the blog next time or later in the week.
Well I had better get ready for bed as I have a long day ahead of me. One of my work colleagues has nominated us to assist in a community project sponsored by our current client who is involved in the building industry. Apparently we will be involved in building houses for the under privileged, Don’t think we will be doing much building as we are not part of the skilled staff we are just seen as helpers so we will more than likely be painting/cleaning or something in that line. More on that next time…….
Chio for now
H, N, R & B
Monday, August 11, 2008
How time flies
Bryce is getting so cheeky but then he has been cheeky since the day he was born. His new phrase for the week is "No, I don't want to...." and then he gives you a fat smile (really cute smile actually and this is why he gets away with murder most days). This morning I was trying to put some shoes on him and I normally tell him to push his foot into the shoe, but today it was his turn to tell me. "Mom, push...", I promptly told him "No, you need to push your foot, not me..", so of course I got the answer "No, I don't want to......".
Reece is at the stage in his life where he is very inquisitive about everything around him but is still animal mad. Today we got told that he now wants a horse and a baby lamb at his party, by the time we are finished we are going to have a farmyard of animals at our house - not sure where we are supposed to fit everything! The most fun I have with Reece at the moment is that he is choosing when to listen and when not! So today for the first time he was banned from watching television as he was not listening to me last night. Last night he did not quite understand the concept but this afternoon he was devastated when he found out what this all meant. I know you must all think I am really nasty mother but hey it worked! He was a dream child tonight - what bliss!
Heath is still busy at home with the boys and has a couple of interviews scheduled for this week as he is also getting bit bored being at home.
Our weekend was quite peaceful as on Saturday I went out with a friend of mine to a coffee shop with the kids while Heath went to watch Rugby. On Sunday we had my mom & dad over for some lunch to celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! Hope that you have many more wonderful years together and good luck for the move to the UK.
I will update the website with some new pics next week, time for bed now.
All the best.
H,N,R & B
Monday, August 4, 2008
Weeks events
On Saturday we took a drive out to a friend of mine, Elaine, who I used to work with at Deloitte. Her and her husband own an Ostrich farm on the outskirts of Pretoria. Well my boys were in their element! We were even privileged to see a couple of the ostrich's do a dance for us which really did fascinate the boys. Reece was very happy to find some Ostrich feathers so that he could take them to school to show his teacher "Aunty Sheila". They are currently learning about various birds at school so it was great timing. It was so peaceful out on the farm that we did not want to go home!
On Sunday we went to see other friends of ours, Brenda & Eugene, in Johannesburg but where they are situated you would never think that you are in Johannesburg. It is so peaceful I could have stayed for a couple more days to relax. They have 3 kids and it was such bliss to go somewhere where the kids occupied each other and gave the adults some time to relax and catch up.
So before we knew it the week-end was over and it was back to work and school again today.
Within the next couple of days we have to decide what we will be doing for Reece's birthday. I cannot believe that my little boy is turning 5 already! We asked him the other day what he wants to do for his party. He mentioned he wants to invite all his school friends (ALL 25 of them!) and he wants a real horse for birthday. "That is all!"- he said. So after the shock we are still deciding how to break the news to him.......
I have eventually found a way of linking some pictures to our website so to the left you should see some pics of Bryce's birthday held in June and Mom's 60th Birthday held in May.
Catch up soon!
H,N, R & B