Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Busy Wednesday.....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Pirate party
Monday, March 22, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Very Lucky........
Anyway in the end he could not get through to the lost property office and gave me the number to try. So by the time I got into the office and close to a phone it was close on 4o minutes that my handbag had been driving around alone! I called lost property only to hear a very big sigh from the woman on the other end telling me I would be very lucky if I would ever see it again - which I knew but the least I could do was give it a shot!
Now as my phone was on the bus travelling around in my bag and I currently was doing support at the head office I had to give Heath's number as a contact. This meant I had to also phone Heath and tell him how blonde I had been! Thank goodness I did not have any bank cards in my wallet as these had been left at home.... what luck!
At 3:00pm I phoned Heath to check if he had heard from the bus lost property dept and can you believe it my beloved handbag had been FOUND! I had to fetch it from the head office the next morning and I also could not believe that EVERYTHING was still in there!!
Very very lucky!!! Now each time I take the bus I double-check, triple check BEFORE I get off! Hopefully my lesson is learnt.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Just look at this face!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Action of the weekend!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Boys 1st day @ school 2010
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Reece's Xmas Play
In the last term the kids are all taken to the local swimming pool and given swimming lessons. There is a government program here that teaches the children to swim and then they are graded at the end of the period. There are also programs at all of the local swimming pools and beaches to continue with the program and it is really cheap. It is quite a big thing in Australia that kids know how to swim, so beneficial to all.
Reece ended off school one week before Xmas and they will only be going back on 1st Feb........ not sure how we are going to keep him busy but I am sure we will cope.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Bryce's Xmas Songs
Now one of the songs that they sung for us is used in a tv commercial for the lottery and goes "Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day........" this is the chorus and I cannot remember the rest of the song but Bryce had shorts on with a velcro pocket so he was litterally trying to put his star that he caught into his pocket and spent the next couple of minutes trying to get his pocket open only for the chorus to start again and he would then start opening his pocket again, so therefore throughout the song he was making such a noise trying to get his pocket open. I was giggling so much by the end of the song it was just too cute to see what was going through his mind.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Perth city
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Hillary's with Mom & Dad
I need to catch up on my blogging so I am just going to post some short one of what we have been up to lately as I have been asked by many of you "What has happened to the blog?" Missing everyone terribly.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Great relaxing weekend enjoying Summer or not.....
There were a couple of cricket matches already on the go down (now I am talking 7:3oam!) at the local park and plenty of birds were out and about enjoying the great weather to. After about two hours or so of walking and kicking the soccer ball around the park we all sat down to enjoy the great weather – then the clouds started coming in rapidly and before we knew it, it felt like winter was on us again. We strolled home to have a bit of lite breakfast and then lazed about at home for most of the day.
Not sure why but I showed the little ones how to play some games on the computer and that was it - they were hooked! – so I am not sure in the end that it was such a bright idea! They were all educational so maybe not so bad but now I have another two little monsters to fight with to get my time on the computer.
On Sunday morning we woke up to 32 degrees again we got up early and outside before it got to unbearable. I made some egg and bacon sandwiches and we packed a picnic basket full of goodies. We grabbed the beach bag, picnic basket, bikes, kids..... and headed off to the local beach along the river down the road from us in Applecross. We spent most of the morning pottering around building sand castles, wallowing in the water checking out all of the little critters and also watching the various bird life from pelicans, scared ibis, seagulls, swallows, black swans, ducks etc. Bryce is very fascinated with the birds around at the moment and has many many questions....
We then took a slow stroll home around 12:30 and then later in the afternoon we took the boys down to Heathcote park at around 5:00pm but boy oh boy it was so hot! The park has a huge wooden pirate ship for the boys to explore and they just love it so we just had to find a bit of shade and enjoy the warm weather that we have been begging for so long......
And then last night there was a huge thunder storm and today we are back to cooler weather, not cold but cooler so still no summer for Perth as yet..........
Chat soon